Trenchcoat Whores
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Storms= No work. And Sam likes no work. Even my eye doctor told me today to get a new job, and he was young and smart. Its in the works dood. I keep leaning towards compu college because of the half days....becky like lives by her compu college and LOVES it. THey even give you job placement. But now what to pick,... Tomorrows my birthday and the sad part is that i dont even care. I dont want to keep getting fudging older im accomplishing nothing. Its like this age feels like limbo inbetween everything. Im more excited for my moms suprise 50th than my own bday i even got a pinata :) i am putting creepy things in to add to it. Alyssa cudmores sis is lucky...shes only 19 and she just got married..but they get their house for free...alllll their furniture is prepaid and they get to pick it out, and their honeymoon is like somewheres exotic for a few weeks all inclusive and they get a butler. MUst be nice when everything is handed to you like that. I wanna go on a trip...mel p wants me to go to england and dood im with you if everything gets set up. Euros are evil though. I feel bad for tylers next door neighbors dog...its the sweetest mix husky dog ever, and they always leave it outside. It was outside during all the blizzard sleeping on tylers deck. I give him food sometimes i love him to death. But when i go to pet him, he pulls away like hes scared of people. He will be mine. I hear the music a blarin i gtg
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