
Trenchcoat Whores

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Well hellllllllo. Its really really nice out who knows why im inside. This weekend was alright.... friday night i went to monster in law with mel p and one of the best parts was when the snotty loud girl was running up front to go talk to her friends she slipped and fell because it was just mopped. THe whole theatre laughed. Hmm then when tyler was off work we went to a guys house that he works with, and his friend was there. And he kept slightly hitting on me and told me i was hot. He was bad though, those guys are oh so bad. Um. Then saturday night i went to scotts appt. with mel d... oh mel d you and your choices you goofy goober. And the giver devils that were gonna come with us to the concert are gonna be disappointed because we didnt get tickets for pearl jam which sucks. Tylers dad called a lot and it was always busy..then sold out within like an hour. Ummm sunday marnin me and tyler went to the flea market....and even though my stuff was nicer than everyone elses there haha:p really though.... umm i only made like 25 dollars. And the table costed 10. Oh well. I guess a lot of old ppl go and my stuff is younger. Last weekend ummmmmm friday i dont remember what i did. Saturday ummmm oh yeah went to the drivin with tyler...to see guess who and miss congeniality 2 it was fun. Then sunday umm...went to the flea market to look at stuff then went to pizza hut. hah. Then went out to matt and trevors....played poker and i won yepppppppppppppppppppppppp the first game. Then i lost my money the second game. And tomorrroooooooow omg i forgot the travelling pants movie comes out~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are the best books im excited. Paris Hiltons engaged.IIIIma eat supper. I hate work. Byebyebyebye.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Thirteen random things you like:
1. Coca Cola
2. weekends
3. pictures
4. the beach
5. makeup
6. sunny days
7. movies
8. puppies
9. fourwheelers
10. mm spending money
11. la senza
12. camping with campfires
13. my car

Twelve movies:
1. The Notebook
2. Whats eating Gilbert Grape
3. American Beauty
4. American History X
5. Ladder 49
6. Oceans 11
7. Thirteen
8. Girlfight
9. Ladder 49
10. Mean Girls
11. Blow

Eleven bands you CAN stand:
1. Sum 41
2. Black Eyed Peas
3. No Doubt/Gwen Stefani
4. Guns n Roses
5. Ashlee Simpson
6. Led Zepplin
7. Audioslave
8. Tom PEtty
10. Outkast
11. Finger 11

Ten things about you...physically:
1. my hair is long blond
2. green eyes
3. im tall
4. i have big feet
5. i have a fake tan
6. i have 11 fingers
7. my fingernails are always short
8. my teeth are white
9. i have a birthmark on my back
10. i am sexay haha

Nine Sexy Things:
1. tyler
2. smile
3. arms
4. 6 pack
5. snowboarders
6. hoodies
7. blond hair
8. madchild hahah
9. hats

Eight favorite foods/drinks:
1. coke
2. caesars mm
3. watermelon
4. corn on the cob
5. mcdonalds
6. sweet potatoe fries
7. spanish rice
8. subway

Seven things you wear daily:
1. bra
2. pretty undies
3. pants or capris
4. shirt
5. hoodie
6. sandals
7. make-up

Six things that annoy you:

1. work
2. not being able to eat
3. price of gas
4. really rich people
5. people who break into cars
6. jrs when they keep fucking up tylers cheques

Five things you touch everyday:
1. my hair
2. toothbrush
3. face
4. jody the Doog.
5. tv remote :)

Four shows you watch:
1. The Bachelor
2. Americas next top model
3. The Simple Life
4. Newlyweds

Two books that are amazing:
1. All of my Serial Killer books- especially "I"
2. Sisterhood of the travelling Pants

One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1. Tyler Jodi Baird

Monday, May 09, 2005

So Im feeling somewhat better. I was in so much pain the first four days. Stayed in the hospital two nights. It was so not fun. One guy across the hall was like i think handicapped, and he alwyas screamed and talked nonsense and asked for his cigarettes. Haha first thing outta the surgery room and he asked for his cigarettes. He tested the nurses patience so bad. Then the girl in the room beside me...was an old lady but she was in a lot of pain and always cried and threw up and said I CANT DO IT. Um yeah but i was drugged up most of the time and slept a lot. Codeine and morphine is nasty shit. I met so many effin nurses and they all were friends with my mom. The operating room was scary and like on tv.... and the stuff that puts you to sleep hurt my hand like hell. I couldnt open my eyes for like two hours after the surgery my eyes were dead. But then it made me really happy when tyler visited, and my family and brought flowers. THen vern came witha huge bag of goodies and then shannon and cameron came and brought mea cute looner with a card. Mike visited me and scared me because i woke up to a cop staring at me...then he started making fun but it made me laugh...and saying funny things about jessica simpson. Then mel p and gram visited. SO mostly now i just watch movies and tv....and sleep. I dont know how Im going to stand being home for two weeks. Cant work because my throat has to heal properly and theres too many germs at a daycare. Plus you cant drive while on these drugs. The drivin opened this weekend and it was house of wax!!:( I wanted to see it so bad. OH well. In two weeks its camping season so thats cool. Today it was so nice i just laid on the deck and napped. Then i brushed jodi because i ran out of things to do. THen i put sunglasses on her and took a picture. Im so hungry...i have to keep doing things so i dont think about it. I already lost 6 pounds cuz i cant eat....well juicea nd smoothies and beef broth for 5 days. Fun. And i hate all the people who are eating good food around me. Long post so I gtg...................................sammmm

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I am scared. I have to get my tonsils out tomorow and its by an old guy. And have an IV too:S So I decided to have McDonalds because i cant eat any good food for a loonng time :( it was good. Last night was Shannons good bye thingie, Im gonna miss her. But were still gonna go like tO Jrs. The new girl Chrystle is really nice though. I started a gay new course every thursday and its all ;punctuation and grammar and I cant listen beacuse its crap. I just cant concentrate. But i passed my RCMP test witha surprisingly good mark. Which is wicked, maybe some day I'll be doing something I actually like :) Me and Mel p are gonna have a combined party at the cottage in June, we checked with MEgan and its all good. Im excited for the summer. No more crappy daycare. I am counting down the days.... On Saturday I went to the mall three times, once by myself once with mom and then with Mel D. so I bought lots of summer clothes and sandals. theres so many pretty things out. And la senza had a huge sale so i spent like a hundred dollars there. Oops. In a couple weekends me tyler and I dont even know who else are going to Halifax to get tickets for Pearl JaM IN september. We're gonna go with his friends Jen and Kendall. And then some other Morell people will be there too. I guess we're gonna stay at a hotel ? it'll probably be hard as hell to get tickets though, they're really popular. But im out...................................................................................sam

